The Clothing Room

Every child should have their basic needs provided.

Since 1971 The Clothing Room has been the major service project of the Junior Charity League Inc. of Shelby. The project aims to clothe as many school-age children in need as possible. By providing children with new clothes, we are helping to improve self-esteem, increasing attendance and eagerness to learn in school.

The Clothing Room attendees increase each year, requiring us to provide more items throughout the school year. Children with needs are referred to the League by teachers and social workers within the Cleveland County School System.  The league clothes approximately 550 children each year.  

Here’s How The Clothing Room Works

A picture of kids clothing layed out flat
One of my middle school students was having a rough morning earlier this year and I brought her a coat to try on from the clothing room.  Her eyes immediately lit up and she kept saying “look teacher, it’s pink!  it’s my favorite color!”  She was thrilled to have a new, pink coat that fit right.  The rest of her day was a success because her teacher kept reminding her of the new coat she got to wear home!
Cleveland County Social Worker

Here’s a Sneak Peak Inside The Clothing Room!

What Cleveland County Social Workers Are Saying…

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“The Clothing Room is a wonderful resource for our students in need.  Their needs arise from hardships and circumstances beyond their control, such as a parent’s inability to work due to health issues or losing all of their belongings in a house fire.  Providing brand-new clothes is a way to help them come to school looking good and feeling cared for and confident.   Thank you, Junior Charity League!”
– Phyllis Bennett – Social Worker
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The Junior Charity League Clothing Room is an invaluable resource in our community. The work of the Charity League removes significant barriers that children face when coming to school. Receiving new clothes boosts kids’ confidence and helps them to be more comfortable in their learning environment. The excitement they show when seeing all their options is contagious, but my favorite part is seeing kids come into school the day after getting their clothes, beaming as they walk down the hallway in their new jeans and jacket. That little bit of joy helps them be more successful here at school, which, in turn, goes a long way.
– Abby Clayton, Cleveland County Social Worker
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“Of all my responsibilities as a school social worker, I believe taking students to the clothing room is one of my favorite things to do. After the experience of shopping, there are normally lots of smiling, laughing, and talking about the items they received. Thank you for taking the time to make students feel special and for addressing the stigma of poverty.”
– LaCresha Henderson, MSW
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“In my 10 years as a School Social Worker with Cleveland County Schools, the JCL Clothing Room is one of my favorite partnerships. For some students, their trip to the JCL clothing room is the only time they get brand-new clothing.  By coming to the clothing room and trying on new clothes with their “personal shoppers”, they get to experience something many of us take for granted.   I’ve had many students ask if they could change into the clothes they just picked!  They are proud of the clothes that they pick out and are excited to show them off at school.   The whole demeanor of a child can change when they have new clothes! ” 
Emily Dobbins, Cleveland County Social Worker

Here’s How You Can Help!

Below you will find 3 Donation Options. Here’s what you need to know before you proceed:

  • Donations can be made to our organization from individuals or business owners.
  • They can be one-time or recurring donations.
  • The Individual & Business Donor buttons will give you more information about our donor levels!
  • Or you can participate in our “Clothe-A-Child” campaign by giving donations in increments of $129. A $129 donation covers the cost of one set of clothing and hygiene items for one child who visits The Clothing Room. Click “I want to Clothe-A-Child” for this option.