
If you are here, it means you are interested in giving to our clothing room via Clothe-A-Child. You can donate in increments of $129 to provide an entire set of clothing for youth in Cleveland County.

A picture of kids clothing layed out flat

You can choose to sponsor 1 or more children in the clothing room when you give your donation! Here’s how the donation process works!

The Donation Process

Donating Online is an Easy 3-Step Process!

Click the Clothe-A-Child Donation button below.

  1. Choose to donate one-time or yearly.
  2. Choose whether you want to donate $129 (For one Child), $258 (for two kids), or $387 (for three kids).
  3. Click the “Next Button” and choose to pay via Paypal OR your Debit/Credit Card securely.
One of my middle school students was having a rough morning earlier this year and I brought her a coat to try on from the clothing room.  Her eyes immediately lit up and she kept saying “look teacher, it’s pink!  it’s my favorite color!”  She was thrilled to have a new, pink coat that fit right.  The rest of her day was a success because her teacher kept reminding her of the new coat she got to wear home!
Cleveland County Social Worker